
Tuesday marked the close of a three month trial between Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. over patent issues the two tech giants, who made their closing arguments in a Court in San Jose before a jury of nine and Judge Lucy Koh.

Ryan, now the Republican candidate for vice president, "worked in the mail room and would constantly pop his head into my office to ask questions about supply-side economics," Conda said. "I had a lot of work to do, so I gave him a couple of books to keep him busy."

So after a three week battle between Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. over patent issues the two tech giants will make closing arguments on Tuesday in a Court in San Jose before a jury of nine and Judge Lucy Koh. The jury will decide in this multi-billion dollar case, whether Samsung, "ripped off" Apple as stated by the company's designer Christopher Stringer or whether it just drew inspiration from its competitors, as Samsung puts it.