
The Librarians Season 2 finale ends with a split team doing time travel to battle the evil Prospero who tries to kill Shakespeare. The good guys may have been parted but they win, and Flynn and Eve finally share a kiss 500 years in the making.

As Horizon: Zero Dawn is yet to be revealed, some faithful patrons may feel that the game has a potentially great future, even against the most promising contenders. The PlayStation 4 exclusive may be an underdog for the time being, but the possibilities of the game moving forward is still in question.

Angry investors of Novo Banco threaten legal action should the Bank of Portugal push through with its plans to impose on them a loss amounting to EUR2 billion loss through the senior bonds. This recent decisoin by the Bank of Portugal goes counter to its prior agreement with Novo Banco which had been established as a healthy counterpart of the ailing Banco Espiritu Santo.