Amid criticism from campaign finance watchdogs, President Obama spent time at a second "political outreach event" of the day to deliver a speech to about 60 donors and former staffers at an Organizing for Action dinner, elucidating the organization's purpose for his second term.
Second-grade teacher Terrilynn Monette, who joined the "TeachNOLA" program, which sends educators from around the country to New Orleans to teach in troubled and impoverished areas, has been missing since celebrating with her friends at a bar on March 2.
Florida's Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll resigned and nearly 60 other people were charged in a scandal involving a purported veterans charity that authorities said Wednesday was in fact a $300 million front for illegal gambling. The organization Allied Veterans of the World runs more than 40 Internet parlors offering computer games, which are normally legal in Florida if most of the proceeds go to charities.