Although it remains to be confirmed whether the said categorization does exists on the website, it has been noted that the video that could have spurred PornHub into action has already been flagged and removed from the website. The video clip, which is titled "Young Brazilians get f**ked by entire German soccer team" by a user, shows members of the German side celebrating after Toni Kross scored their team's fourth goal within the first half.
The video, which is made available on YouTube, also came with the following message that read, "On June 29, thousands of Apple employees and their families marched in the San Francisco Pride Parade. They came from around the world - from cities as far as Munich, Paris, and Hong Kong - to celebrate Apple's unwavering commitment to equality and diversity. Because we believe that inclusion inspires innovation."
Buzzfeed said that the ride appeared to have struck a nearby tree branch, which had caused the ride to come to a halt. The injuries sustained by at least four riders were minor and that the 25 people who got stranded on the ride remained lert and were corresponding with park personnel during Six Flags' evacuation process, spokeswoman Sue Carpenter for the park said. She also added that two of the four injured were transported later to a local hospital for precautionary measures.