John McCain proposed a bill on Wednesday to widen veterans' choice program, allowing them to go anywhere for care. McCain's suggested bill would eliminate the ongoing limitation that experts can move out of the VA structure if they wait 30 days or reside over 40 miles away from a VA facility.
The Tennessee governor has signed a controversial bill allowing mental health counselors to refuse treating patients based on religious belief. The bill is applicable only for the private practitioners and certain clauses have been inserted to safeguard the patients. However, the bill has witnessed much criticism since it allows counselors to deny treating the LGBT people.
The Ski Association of Japan banned two of their teenage snowboarders who allegedly used marijuana. One of them admitted doing so while the other denied it although there are traces of marijuana found on their hair. The two unnamed minors are removed from the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games in South Korea and it is uncertain if they will get to still participate. The incident led to the resignation of Fumikazu Hagiwara’s resignation taking the responsibility.