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A teaser shown at the Comic Con 2014 revealed major hints on the upcoming film, "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron." Scenes showed major battles between Ultron and the Avengers. The end part hinted that some Avengers may die in this sequel.

Freddie Prinze, Jr. recently shared his grievances about actor Kiefer Sutherland after working with him on an episode of "24." According to him, the actor is unprofessional and his experience was so bad that he wanted to quit being in the entertainment industry.

Futuristic science-fiction movie "Terminator 5" is set to return onscreen on July 2015. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be reprising his role as the iconic T-800. This time, however, there will be two T-800's as the film will feature the famous machine going back in time.