Connecticut 6-Year-Old Left Brain Dead After Horrific Attack By Stepfather: 'He's Hitting Us With a Bat!'
Six-year-old Jathan Escobar's family has decided to remove the little boy off of life support in the coming days.
Six-year-old Jathan Escobar's family has decided to remove the little boy off of life support in the coming days.
A Tennessee man is suing state troopers for $1 million after being wrongfully arrested for DUI in Monroe County, as they insisted he was "probably high" despite his sobriety and passing all tests.
The fatal beating occurred on May 23 inside the family's condo.
A New Jersey couple has been barred from suing Uber following a car crash that left them with life-changing injuries because their daughter agreed to terms & conditions on the UberEats app.