Reuters said Washington and several other powers in the West have increased its pressure on Russia for the latter to defuse the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Accordingly, a ceasefire between government forces and Russian-speaking rebels are apparently crumbling.
Chief Justice John Roberts reasoned that authorities have other ways to deal with the harassment and violence that occur outside the said clinics. The justice also noted that majority of the problems that has been reported by police and the clinics happened outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Boston, and only on Saturdays, when large crowds typically convene.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Brazilians emerged as the top scorers in this year's World Cup, but for a different reason. In the 32 games the paper has studied, it has observed that there were 302 players who, at one point, went down in apparent pain, or ball up in a fetal position or lie down on the ground lifeless. Due to these dramatic episodes, it has cost the tournament a total of 132 minutes of game clock. But after sorting through those that were legitimate falls, the numbers are still significant at 293 cases at 118 minutes and 21 seconds.