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Buzzfeed reported that the Fraenkel family, whose son Naftali's remains was found alongside those of Gilad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach in a shallow grave in the southern West Bank city of Hebron has released a statement denouncing any plans of revenge in their son's name. Muhammed's father, Hussein Abu Khubair also called for a stop of the bloodshed via the New York Times.

The Guardian reported that Suarez's current club, Liverpool, is close to securing a transfer deal with the iconic Spanish club FC Barcelona worth at least £70 million (about $120 million).

While a government official is asking Russian soccer national team coach Fabio Capello to appear to lawmakers to present a plan on how to improve the country's national team's chances in the next World Cup, an untraconservative politician is asking the 68 year-old to return all or at least half of the money given to the team manager.