
24-year-old Caleb Lawrence McGillvary, known on Facebook as "Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchiker,"is being sought on murder charges for killing Joseph Galfy Jr, a New Jersey attorney found dead in his home on Monday. McGillvary's whereabouts are not yet known, as a press conference scheduled for late Thursday afternoon is expected to explain how he has come to be a suspect in the case.

A 10-year-old boy from Washington state was sentenced on Wednesday to up to 5 ½ in a juvenile detention facility for his role in a foiled plot to rape and kill a girl at his school, as well as to harm others.

Caroline Kennedy will sit on a New York City jury for the trial of a man accused of dealing crack cocaine. She was selected on Monday to serve as a juror at Nelson Chatman's trial in state Surpreme Court in Manhattan.