
New York state's Court of Appeals reversed a lower court's decision tht could have resulted in FoxNews' Jana Winter being forced to appear in the Colorado murder trial of Aurora Colorado murder trial of James Holmes

Samantha Scheiebe, George Zimmerman's girlfriend, is asking a judge to lift an order that blocks her from seeing him and she wants charges against the former neighborhood watchman dropped."I am not afraid of George in any manner and I want to be with him... I believe that the police misinterpreted me and that I may have misspoken about certain facts in my statement to the police," she said. "I do not feel that the arrest report accurately recounts what happened," Scheibe wrote in the affidavit, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

The Senate voted unanimously on Monday to renew a 10-year ban on guns that "cannot be picked up by metal detector commonly found in airports, court houses and government buildings."