Linklaters has published statistics showing the diversity of all those who applied to the firm for the UK Vacation Schemes and Training Contracts during 2011.
Following the recent announcement from the People’s Bank of China to widen its currency (Renminbi or RMB) trading band against the US dollar , analysis* conducted by Linklaters highlights that the internationalisation of the RMB is creating new markets and opportunities for Chinese and European corporates as well as financial institutions.
S&P Capital IQ, une entité du groupe The McGraw-Hill Companies, a annoncé l'acquisition de 100% du capital de la société française QuantHouse, spécialisée dans les technologies de trading et la fourniture d'informations financières au marché, acquise auprès de ses actionnaires parmi lesquels ses fondateurs, les fonds gérés par ViewPoint Capital Partners, et Newedge Group.