New York becomes the 50th state to legalize MMA
New York lawmakers have finally acknowledged MMA as a sport, approving the bill that legalizes it. The combat sport will now have the opportunity to hold events in the city.
New York lawmakers have finally acknowledged MMA as a sport, approving the bill that legalizes it. The combat sport will now have the opportunity to hold events in the city.
A United States Navy sailor admitted raping a Japanese woman in Okinawa, Japan. The serviceman was initially arrested for being suspected of assault in Naha City.
Billionaire and Philathropist Wafic Saïd is taking matters to the court. Long-time banking partner Barclays told Saïd to close his personal accounts including those connected to his busness and charity.
Former Scotland secretary Alistair Carmichael has received £34,000 from a political trust largely controlled by Liberal Democrat activists as he struggles to pay off massive legal bills.