Rumored Grand Theft Auto V Casino DLC Confirmed?


Grand Theft Auto V has been released since 2013, and remains pretty active in terms of content updates and new DLC. However, one very persistent rumor concerning the in-game casino dominates much of the fanbase.

The rumors of a casino-based gambling DLC for GTA V has been circulating the internet since March of 2015, and still continues to persist to this very day. According to iDigital Times, the rumors detail that the supposed upcoming DLC would give players the ability to gamble in minigames such as blackjack, poker, roulette and even horse race betting. Such content was reportedly found within the game files itself, which sparked the circulation and speculation about the content. The fact that the in-game casino itself had a Coming Soon banner hanging over it just added more fuel to the fire, so to speak.

But earlier this January, GTA V tipster Funmw2 started sharing some posts that hinted that the rumored DLC would be available soon. His post in a thread discussing things that have gone missing from GTA Online since 2013 held a hint that the Casino DLC would be coming in a single-player DLC. His further posts in other topics held more information about the DLC, including the fact that it would be available both in multiplayer and single player. He claims that there would be two DLCs, according to previous update coding, and it would be very huge.

If such a DLC would be true, it would most likely be quite close to real-life gambling. According to Online Casino Reports, if it was implemented, entering the virtual casino would be wagering, winning and losing much like in real-life gambling, so those who lose all their money in a badly-placed bet would not be reimbursed. It also notes that the details posted at the entrance of the in-game casino suggests that they would be able to make use of Fleeca and Shark credit cards, which have been advertised within the game itself.

GTA V is available to play on the PC, via Steam, the Playstation 3 and 4, and the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. And while the evidence for such a DLC is piling up, please be advised that what you hear is still rumor and speculation, and must be taken with a grain of salt.

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