
New York Mayor De Blasio revoked the city's offer of free classrooms for Success Academy Harlem Central Middle School, arguing it would displace crucial programs for displaced students, as reported by The New York Daily News. This move puts the mayor at odds with Governor Andrew Cuomo as well Eva Moskowitz, the Success Academy's founder.

Eight Democrat senators joined with their Republican counterparts to vote against Debo Adegbile, Barack Obama's nominee to head the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. The opposition - a huge rebuke to the president - was so strong largely from Adegbile's participation in an appeal filed on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the internationally known prisoner who had been convicted for the 1981 slaying of Daniel Faulkner, a Philadelphia police officer.

Autumn Radtke, the CEO of of First Meta, an upstart company where users can buy and sell virtual currencies, like Bitcoins, was found dead by local police in Singapore on February 28 by an apparent suicide, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. Officials deemed her death as attributed to "mysterious circumstances."