
Game Freak has perhaps shoved the idea of Pokemon Z far off their schedule. Some still think that the title waits patiently around the horizon, letting room for the other games to stir up the hype before itself.

‘Baywatch’ is an upcoming comedy film directed by Seth Gordon. Lead actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson shared a new photograph of the hot new cast on his personal Instagram page and included co-stars Zac Efron, Kelly Rohrbach and Alexandra Daddario. The new female leads took spotlight in their iconic red swimsuits.

‘Captain America: Civil War’ is an upcoming action-adventure and fantasy film intended as the follow up to 2014’s ‘Captain America: Winter Soldier’. The Russo brothers revealed that the sequel will be a “love story” between two unlikely main characters. Meanwhile, speculations of War Machine’s death continue to haunt awaiting fans.