‘Captain America: Civil War’ is an upcoming superhero film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) that is said to make a possible crossover with the Marvel-Netflix series ‘Luke Cage’. Alfre Woodward, who is slated to play a character in ‘Luke Cage’, has joined the upcoming film sparking speculation of a direct connection between the two projects.
‘Captain Marvel’ is an upcoming superhero film based on the popular female superheroine in the Marvel comic books. Olivia Wilde may play the titular female superhero although no official casting announcements have been made as of the present. Rebecca Ferguson and Emily Blunt continue to be fan favorites for the much-coveted role.
‘The Last of Us’ film adaptation is reportedly stuck in a development rut as revealed by screenwriter and game director Neil Druckmann. Druckmann offered the pessimistic update amidst speculation that the film may not be pushing through. Maisie Williams was originally attached to play lead protagonist Ellie but Miranda Cosgrove announced that she would be playing the character instead.