
A federal judge ruled on Monday that Chicago's blanket ban on all sales and transfers of firearms is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Edmond Chang stayed his ruled in order to give the city time to file an appeal.

Scores of retired New York City police, fire and corrections officers, close to 75, were arrested on Tuesday as part of a large crackdown on disability faud, which originated from the September 11 terrorist attack. The fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars

New Jersey resident Josh Finkelman has sued the National Football League accusing it of pricing average football fans out of the Super Bowl, where this year's championship game will play at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford on February 2. Finkleman says that the league has "made only 1 percent of all tickets available to the public for purchase at face value. He says that most fans must buy their tickets on the secondary market where they can command thousands of dollars."