
On the other hand, FIFA appeared to have not been convinced with Howard's tenacity in the game. In an interview with ESPN Radio, Howard disclosed that he has been subjected to random drug testing, again.

On Wednesday, both girls appeared on court where Geyser's mental condition was announced. Geyser was reportedly braiding her hair and appeared emotionless during the hearing, Daily Mail recounted. The hearing also saw the granting of the defense's request to test Geyser for mental defect or disease, which could lead to a potential insanity plea for the underaged suspect. A hearing about Geyser's mental competency has been set on August 1st.

35 year-old Joe Killoran confronted Ford and demanded the latter to answer questions about his alleged lying, racism, homophobia and corruption. Killoran later called the politician "a corrupt, lying, racist, homophobe."