
According to Danielle Allen, a professor of social science at the Institute of Advanced Study, the extra period changes the meaning of Jefferson's original words, which are all men are created equal; they're endowed with certain unalienable rights; governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed; when government becomes destructive, it's the right of the people to abolish it and create a new system most likely to bring them safety and happiness, Vox reported.

Buzzfeed reported that the Fraenkel family, whose son Naftali's remains was found alongside those of Gilad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach in a shallow grave in the southern West Bank city of Hebron has released a statement denouncing any plans of revenge in their son's name. Muhammed's father, Hussein Abu Khubair also called for a stop of the bloodshed via the New York Times.

The Guardian reported that Suarez's current club, Liverpool, is close to securing a transfer deal with the iconic Spanish club FC Barcelona worth at least £70 million (about $120 million).