Egypt President Mohammed Morsi told reporters that a truce between Hamas and Israel was soon to take effect. President Morsi told Reuters reporters Tuesday morning, that the negotiations between the two parties would yield "positive results." According to various sources, the cease-fire is likely to take place Wednesday.
The United Nation's Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon arrived in Cairo, Egypt to facilitate peace talks over a possible cease-fire between Gaza and Israel. According to the Wall Street Journal, the death toll of civilians in Palestine is currently at 90. Alazajeera reports that the death toll is up to 100.
The battles of the smart phones is never ending between the two tech moguls Apple and Samsung Electronics Co., while a judge allowed Apple to include the Galaxy SIII to the patent infringement suit, the South Korean company did lag behind in procuring permission to add the iPhone 5 to its patent claims against the Cupertino company as well.