China Visit: VP Joe Biden Visits Asian Country & Encourages Young People To 'Challenge The Status Quo' (Video)
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden began his two day trip to China by encouraging young people to "challenge the government,"
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden began his two day trip to China by encouraging young people to "challenge the government,"
President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to consider steps to alleviate income inequality, calling the income gap between America's rich and poor as a "defining challenge of our time," in a speech at the Twon Hall Education Arts and Recreation Campus, a nonprofit community center in Washington D.C. The event was hosted by the Center for American Progress.
Federal immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro in Boston, Massachusetts granted Onyango Obama, the uncle of the U.S. President, the permission to stay in the country, The Associated Press reported. The 69 yea old who has been in the U.S. illegally for decades "has gotten a federal court's OK to stay in his adopted country."
Newsweek magazine, which ceased publication in late 2012, plans to start back up again in January or February, according to its editor-in-chief Jim Impoco