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Plaintiff Parity is a true game-changer for plaintiff firms, leveling the playing field with groundbreaking technology that allows legal teams to search hundreds of documents - and countless search terms - quickly and efficiently.

BOSTON, -- Block & Leviton LLP (, a securities litigation firm representing investors nationwide, is investigating whether Bristow Group Inc. ("Bristow" or the "Company") (NYSE: BRS) and certain of its officers and directors violated federal securities laws.

The professional ethos of law firms discourages men from taking parental leave, a new Finnish-Canadian study shows. Carried out by the University of Eastern Finland and TÉLUQ University in Quebec, the study found that the professional culture in law firms rests on traditional masculine ideology, with men regarded as the providers for their families. This view does not encourage men to combine their professional career and childcare. The findings were reported in the International Journal of the Legal Profession.