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Although it can be unnerving to do a skit impersonating the president and blow up his eccentricities, there are other countries who do not enjoy this kind of freedom of speech. According to 2011 article by Joshua Keating for Foreign Policy blog, pre-revolutionary Egypt could send someone to jail for insulting Hosni Mubarak. In Zimbabwe, sending photos of the president's mansion via email is considered a criminal offense.

The announcement was made by Attorney General Eric Holder in Washington on Thursday morning, the New York Times reported. Holder said that the Bank of America is expected to pay $9.65 billion as cash penalty and will also provide $7 billion to blighted neighborhoods and homeowners as relief to counter the damage the securities have cost.

The fatal shooting of 18 year-old black teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer might have been just another headline if not for the color of their skin. On the other hand, it also put the police of Ferguson, Missouri in the spotlight, questioning their policies on handling potential suspects. Citing a slew of accounts by Ferguson residents, CNN reported that the community echoed only one thing: civil rights injustice is still alive in this part of town.