Tennessee Bill Artificial Insemination Parenting Repeal Might Be Smokescreen To Greater LGBT Threat


A Tennessee Bill regarding artificial insemination parenting is being repealed by a local lawmaker, but its implications might be deeper than what it seems on the surface. State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver is pushing to repeal a decades-old state law that allows children, born through artificial insemination, to be the legitimate child of the husband and wife.

Weaver's push to repeal the law specifically targets lesbian couples. According to NBCNews, this caused quite a stir among the LGBTQ communities and the citizens of Tennessee.

Although the Tennessee Bill artificial insemination parenting rights removal can also affect straight couples as well. Tennessee Equality Project Director Chris Sanders explained that the bill would make even straight couples "lose the presumption of paternity."

If the bill gets passed, then infertile couples who underwent artificial insemination would have to go to court for legitimacy. State Senator Jeff Yarbro exclaimed that the bill is "the most ill-conceived and offensive" one he has ever seen. Yarbro added that the Tennessee Bill artificial insemination parenting rights removal is "an attack on families."

However, it seems that Weaver's attempt to pass the bill is just the tip of the iceberg. According to AboveTheLaw, the bill might be part of a larger scheme that targets the LGBTQ community.

While the lawmaker gave justification for the bills passage, the real motivation behind it is quite unclear. The passing of the bill would only mean dealing a big blow to lesbian couples in particular. Which wouldn't accomplish much given the legislator's expenditures in taxpayers money, if only for the purpose of harming the LGTBQ communities.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorney Julia Tate-Keith told the source that these lawmakers intended to "confuse" and "distract" voters. The ART Attorney is concerned that the Tennessee Bill artificial Insemination that aims to remove parenting rights to lesbian couples might be part of a scheme that will attack LGBTQ rights on a larger scale.

LGBT, Lgbt rights, Legislation

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