Breaking addictions can be a very tough thing. It can start off very simply, presenting a more casual situation before anything else. All of a sudden, you'll find yourself immersed in a pit of quick sand, the addiction pulling you closer and closer to your inevitable demise.
Addictions are quite troublesome and it takes a lof of time to break free from them. Some addictions can be smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, and a whole littany of other addictions that ware much worse. Thankfully, there's a way to stop addiction, at least the sugary kind, and with these 17 tips brought to you by and with some insight from Reader's Digest, they'll be sure to help you controlling your sugary cravings.
Before we get down to some of the tips, we should first acknowledge what it means to have a sugar addiction and what bad things can come from it. Reader's Digest claims that sugar effects our bodies on every single level. An extreme addiction to sugar can lead to even worse conditions, including the most popular disease brought about by high sugar intake, Diabetes.
The disease has two types, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 means that you are born without the ability to create insulin, while Type 2 is a disease that most get at older ages and it severely limits their ability to make insulin for their body. Like in other things, an excess of something is never really good for you.
According to, these are the 17 simplest ways for one to break their sugar addiction:
1. Eat protein in the morning.
2. Keep a food log to keep track on what you've been eating.
3. Choose smarter sweets like fresh fruits.
4. Say farewell to soda, which can be really hard for a lot of people.
5. Learn about hidden sugars liek sucrose and dextrose. Knowledge is power.
6. Cut back slowly, meaning don't cut back too much at once or else you'll risk relapsing.
7. Choose whole grains. Try things like quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, and other things.
8. Start reading labels on all your foods to make sure of what you're taking in.
9. Analyze your grocery list and try losing or replacing some of the items.
10. Get it out of your house if you feel like your self control is dwindling.
11. Avoid packaged foods since a lot have sugars in them. Try making food at home so you know exactly what's going inside you.
12. Stick it out for three weeks since it takes 21 days to break a habit. If you keep to it, it'll work out in the long run.
13. Add more movement to your week to help expel the sugar from your system such as walks, at-home workouts, and more.
14. Drink lots of water to add more volume tyo your blood and dilute the sugar.
15. Add some spice to your meals like cinnamon and vanillar. They give the perception of sugar so that you don't actually have to add sugar.
16. Don't use artificial sweetener since it can be just as bad as sugar or worse and may even induce cravings.
17. Never go hungry, since hunger triggers cravings. Plan out your meals to manage your hunger.
With these 17 tips, the hold that sugar has over you will surely lessen as long as you keep at it and remain focused.