Tea Party Republicans are bringing forward a bill that would make funding the government conditional on defunding President Obama's 2010 healthcare law, Fox News reported. This move is seen as a major victory for the Heritage Action PAC, and its group's leader Senator Jim DeMint. The animosity in Washington is so bad, a government shutdown may be pending as a result of this action.
California's legislature approved a bill that will boost the state's minimum wage to $10 an hour by 2016. Governor Jerry Brown said he would sign the measure, which is expected to raise the current $8 minimum wage to $9 an hour next July and $10 by January 1, 2016.
Two Colorado Democratic lawmakers John Morse and Senator Angela Giron who had voted for stricter gun laws including the size of ammunition magazines and requiring universal background checks, have faced a strong backlash on Tuesday. Colorado's first legislative recall elections have indicated severe blowbackz