Family of New Mexico firefighter stabbed by girlfriend in 'self defense' says she was the real abuser
Christian Reid, a firefighter in Santa Fe and Jemez Pueblo member, was killed by Chrystne Sanchez on February 4, 2019.
Christian Reid, a firefighter in Santa Fe and Jemez Pueblo member, was killed by Chrystne Sanchez on February 4, 2019.
US presidential candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich plan on working together to prevent Donald Trump's triumph in the upcoming primaries in Indiana, New Mexico and Oregon. The primaries will be crucial in increasing their GOP delegates.
New Mexico's legislators have approved House Bill 99 which will require the state's driver's licenses to be Real ID-compliant, but will continue to grant driving privileges to undcoumented immigrants.
The Albuquerque police temporarily stopped the operations for Avis Budget Rental after an explosive device was found on one of the vehicles. The car rental is in the Albuquerque airport, but did not affect the schedule of the flights. An investigation is currently on going regarding the incident.