A Kansas babysitter who checked under a child's bed for "monsters" was shocked to find a man hiding there.
The woman was putting children to bed at a residence where she was babysitting, when one of the children complained that there was a "monster" under the bed.
Seeking to reassure the child, the babysitter bent down to check, police said.
The woman came face-to-face with Martin Villalobos Junior, 27. "An altercation ensued with the babysitter and one child was knocked over in the struggle. The suspect then fled the scene before deputies arrived," police said.
According to police, the man once lived at the home, but a protection order from abuse had been issued against him, and he was supposed to stay away from the property.
Police searched the neighborhood but could not find him. The next day, while still searching, they spotted Villalobos Junior. He fled again, but after a foot pursuit, police arrested him and transported him to the Barton County Jail.
He was booked on requested charges of aggravated kidnapping, aggravated burglary, aggravated battery, child endangerment, felony obstruction of a law enforcement officer, and violation of a protection from abuse order. He is being held in lieu of a $500,000 bond.