Three boys riding a stolen car recorded themselves hitting and killing a cyclist and then posted the video on Instagram, New Mexico police said.
The children, aged 11, 13, and 15, appear to discuss whether to hit Scott Dwight Habermehl on May 29, 2024 in Albuquerque. Habermehl, 63, died in the incident. 13-year-old Johnathan Overbay was driving at the moment.
"Just bump him, brah," the backseat passenger says in the video, according to police. "Like bump him?" Overbay responded. "Yeah, just bump him. Go like...15...20," the backseat passenger says.
The video shows the car approaching Habermehl while the front passenger, believed to be the 11-year-old, waves a handgun. As the car hits Habermehl the passenger ducks and laughs. Police added that the video features "loud sounds, including metal flexing, as the momentum of the crash carried Habermehl and his bicycle on top, and off, the passenger side of the vehicle."
The incident took place at 4:40 a.m. as Habermehl was biking to work at Sandia National Laboratory. The video shows that the car swerved from the southbound lane on Moon Street onto a dedicated bike lane and struck Habermehl.
Police began getting tips after the post was uploaded to social media, including from a middle school principal who was shown it by his students. Police had also flagged the same social media account in relation to a separate investigation.
Overbay faces several charges, including an open count of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, leaving the scene of an accident involving great bodily harm or death, and unlawful possession of a handgun by a person.
Homicide detectives also charged William Garcia, 15, with the same crimes.
The 11-year-old is too young to be charged with murder. Detectives are working with the prosecutors and juvenile authorities to determine what charges he may face and whether he can be held on those charges.