A Pakistani man allegedly admitted to killing his teenage daughter because he disapproved of the videos she would post to TikTok.
Anwar ul-Haq, who previously lived in the US before moving with his family back to Pakistan, told police that he found his daughter's TikToks "objectionable," as reported by the BBC.
The man reportedly confessed to shooting and killing his 14-year-old daughter, Hira Anwar, on Tuesday in Quetta. After living in the US for 25 years, where his daughter was born, the family moved to the predominantly Muslim province Balochistan, The Guardian reported.
"We have her phone. It is locked," police investigator Zohaib Mohsin told Reuters, adding that they believe the family did not approve of the way their daughter dressed and her lifestyle. "We are probing all aspects, including honor killing."
Hundreds of women are killed in Pakistan each year, often by family members, who believe that the individual's behavior presents a threat to the family's honor, according to human rights groups.
This is not the first instance of murders over TikTok videos in the country. Four female members of a family were murdered by a male relative in October 2024 in the city of Karachi after they allegedly declined to stop posting videos to the app, as reported by the Indian Express.
The man's brother-in-law was also arrested in connection with the shooting. Police were awarded a remand for 10 days by a judge for the two men.
Originally published by Latin Times.