Two teen girls from Alabama were shot to death Christmas Eve, and police have arrested a neighbor in connection with the crime.
Police responded to a call at about 3:45 p.m. on that day and found 18-year-old Madison Daly and 19-year-old Kayden Lynch dead, WFSA-12 reported. Their neighbor, 18-year-old Jalen Dashawn Holmes, has been charged with capital murder in the ensuing investigation. He is being held in the Lee County Jail without bond.
"I hope it brings people together instead of pushing everyone apart or making everyone cautious to lock your doors," Beulah resident Sean Magdelno told the TV station. "People are going to be more leery to be friendly to your neighbor. You don't need it like that, we want everyone to get along and to have a good time."
The shooting apparently happened after Holmes had assaulted his mother, WTVM-9 reported.
The two teens were described as stepsisters and roommates by WKRG-5. Family members have established a GoFundMe to support the family, including the young daughter Madison left behind.
"My sister and step-sister were killed on December 24th by their neighbor. I'm just looking to cover end-of-life costs. If you feel it in your heart to donate I deeply appreciate the help in this nightmarish time," the fundraising page states.