An Oklahoma woman faces child neglect charges for allegedly leaving her baby alone in a soiled diaper at a casino in Florida on Christmas Eve.
Rubi C. Verduzco, 29, was charged with child neglect for "not knowing who, where or for what length of time she left her baby," NBC-6 South Florida reported.
The TV station quoted the arrest reports as stating that the baby had been left alone near the bell desk of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida. Police were called and the responding officer reported saw "an infant wearing a soiled diaper in a stroller out in the open elements."
The officer stated that the bell desk worker informed him that three men had left the baby there, NBC-6 reported.
Police eventually located Verduzco, who appeared to be under influence and could not recall the child's age, police reports state according to Local-10. The TV station reported that police called the Florida Department of Children and Families, who took custody of the baby.
Verduzco is held on a $2,500 bond at the North Broward Bureau as of Thursday afternoon.