Convicted California Human Trafficker's Alleged 2-Year Reign of Terror in Notorious Prostitution Zone Ends with Simple Gun Possession Charge

In both state and federal court, Nious has been charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm

Oakland Police Department
42-year-old Jason Nious evaded charges on two separate occasions in the same Oakland neighborhood. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A known human trafficker in California avoided facing charges after being seen throwing a woman who was aggressively protesting by kicking, screaming and fighting back, into the trunk of a car in 2023 only to be arrested later for his connection to an alleged murder suspect.

42-year-old Jason Nious evaded charges on two separate occasions in the same Oakland neighborhood: once when he was seen throwing a woman into the trunk of his Mercedes as she was "kicking and screaming," and once when he was caught driving around that neighborhood with a younger woman who may have been underage, reported the East Bay Times.

"[Law enforcement] searched Nious's car and found a gun with a live round in the chamber in a bag on the front passenger seat, along with a loaded 10-round magazine," said the US Attorney's office in a press release. "Nious has prior convictions in Alameda County for human trafficking of a minor, providing controlled substances to a minor and armed robbery."

In September of this year, Nious was arrested by law enforcement for being in possession of a gun while in the company of an individual suspected of committing homicide. In both state, and federal court, Nious has been charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

"The defendant's criminal conduct spans decades and has become increasingly violent—and that record does not even capture the fact that the defendant has repeatedly been stopped by law enforcement on the Oakland blade after engaging in conduct such as shoving women into car trunks," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Ivana Djak, referring to Nious in a legal filing obtained by the East Bay Times. "The community, and vulnerable women in particular, are not safe when the defendant is not in custody."

"OPD Officers and FBI agents ... have seen the defendant on or near the Oakland blade, as well as a well-known blade in Salinas, on multiple occasions," Djak continued.

The alleged kidnapping incident during which Nious was seen forcing a protesting woman into his trunk occurred at the 1500 block of 15th Avenue in February of last year. Eyewitnesses not only relayed that they saw Nious restrain the woman in broad daylight, but some even filmed the incident with their cellphones, reported police. The woman, who was later rescued by law enforcement, refused to provide a statement.

Furthermore, a number of charges against Nious had been dismissed, such as a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge filed in Feb. of 2023 which was dismissed in June of the same year. In June 2024 the 42-year-old was charged when he did not register himself as a sex offender, but this charge was dismissed within the same month it was levied.

Originally published by Latin Times.

Human Trafficking, California
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