Tennessee Cop Shot Himself in Shoulder to Win Back Girlfriend After Lover's Spat: Police

The cop was off duty when he made a suicide threat then shot himself.

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A Tennessee cop may lose his license after shooting himself in the should because of an argument with his girlfriend. LinkedIn/Fox13

A Tennessee cop who shot himself in the shoulder to win back his girlfriend after a lover's quarrel may lose his career over the incident.

Nolan Sledge joined the Memphis Police Department on April 1, 2019, and resigned on April 19, 2024, after an internal investigation revealed he called 911, threatening suicide, and sustained a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Sledge later admitted he shot himself in his shoulder because he was arguing with his girlfriend, according to Fox 13. Fortunately, he did not suffer any serious injuries.

Following its investigation, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST) recommended Sledge loses his certification, meaning he won't be able to work in any law enforcement agency in Tennessee, Fox 13 reported.

The officer's fate will be revealed in an upcoming formal vote by the POST Commission.

Originally published by Latin Times

Tennessee, Police
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