WATCH: United Healthcare CEO Gunman's Silenced Pistol Jams Mid-Attack in Horrifying Video

The gunman who killed Brian Thompson
The gunman who killed Brian Thompson NYPD

Footage of the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on Wednesday morning shows the gunman's silenced pistol jams in the middle of the ultimately deadly attack.

The gunman can be seen calmly walking behind Thompson, who was in New York City for the company's annual investor meeting, before shooting him in the back. As Johnson tumbles and falls to the ground, the killer struggles with the gun for a few moments before managing to shoot him again.

A pedestrian standing on the sidewalk between the gunman and Thompson runs away quickly and leaves the frame, the video obtained by the New York Post shows. The shooter then walks away before entering an alleyway and getting on what seems to be an electric bike.

Police said it "appeared the suspect was lying in wait" for at least five minutes before encountering the victim. "Every indication is that this was a premeditated, pre-planned, targeted attack," NYPD Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch told reporters at a press briefing following the deadly incident.

The suspect has been described as a light-skinned male. He was last seen wearing a light brown or cream colored jacket, a black face mask, black and white sneakers and a "very distinctive" gray backpack.

While a motive remains under investigation, Thompson's wife her husband had received several threats prior to the shooting. "There had been some threats," Paulette Thompson told NBC News. ."Basically, I don't know, a lack of coverage? I don't know details. I just know that he said there were some people that had been threatening him."

Authorities are offering a $10,000 reward to anyone with information that can lead to his arrest.

Originally published on Latin Times.

Shooting, New York
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