COVID Vaccine Worker Busted for Ejaculating in Manager's Beard Gel After Bragging to Coworker

Analysis of the bottle reportedly found semen matching the man's DNA

By @eliizabethurban
Wooden Gavel
A COVID vaccine worker pleaded guilty to allegedly ejaculating into his manager's beard gel, and then bragged about doing so to a coworker. Unsplash

A COVID vaccine worker has admitted to ejaculating into his manager's beard gel, and then bragging about doing so to a coworker.

After reportedly getting into an argument with his boss in 2021, Jordan Fitzpatrick, 25, allegedly decided to get back him by ejaculating into a bottle of beard oil they had, as reported by the Daily Record.

Afterwards, Fitzpatrick allegedly recounted the story to a coworker at the National Health Service (NHS) Vaccination Center, telling them, "I jizzed in it," according to the outlet.

Police were contacted after a substance was reportedly seen at the bottom of the bottle. Semen was reportedly discovered in the bottle after it was sent for analysis, and allegedly contained DNA matching Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick pleaded guilty in a Scottish court earlier this month after initially pleading innocent. He is due back in court at a later date for sentencing.

Originally published by Latin Times.

Scotland, UK, Court
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