'Entitled' First Class Passenger Demands Delta Delay Entire Flight to Fix His Broken Tray Table

Delta Airlines
Delta Airlines Latin Times

A Delta Airlines first-class passenger demanded a delay to the entire flight after discovering his seat lacked a working tray table.

On a recent flight from Dallas to Detroit, a long-time Delta Diamond Medallion member discovered that his first-class seat's tray table was missing and taped off, View From the Wing reported.

"[S]o I can't eat, drink or do work with my computer," the man said of not having a tray table.

Ultimately, he felt the airline mishandled the situation by failing to address it beforehand or not offering an alternative seat.

The passenger requested airline staff to resolve the issue before takeoff, leading to a heated interaction with Delta's elite "red coat" service representatives, who are focused on handling more complicated issues.

According to the man, the customer service agents said their policy "is that [a passenger is] entitled to a seat, not a tray table and not anything else."

"Flight attendants agreed with me but the gate agent wouldn't call maintenance or hold the flight for it to be fixed. I asked for a red jacket. He refused to downgrade the one passenger who got a complimentary upgrade and put me in that seat."

Delta Air Lines has not issued a public statement regarding the incident.

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