After failing to hear from her brother for more than two months, the sister of a University of Texas at Austin grad student is pleading for help in finding him and his missing wife.
Loved ones last spoke with Frank Guzman and Caroline Katba on July 22.
The couple were last known to be in Veracruz, Mexico, and were driving their 2016 Toyota Prius to Chile as part of Guzman's grad research, his sister, Elizabeth Guzman, explained to KVUE-TV Thursday.
"He (Frank) loves traveling. He loves learning. I don't think he was ever meant to settle down somewhere," Elizabeth told the station. "He wants to be a part of the world."
Frank and Caroline frequently kept in touch with their families through the WhatsApp messaging platform during their travels. But in late July, the couple went "offline" and haven't been heard from since.
"He told me he was arriving at his next hotel around 3 p.m., we're an hour ahead, maybe I will give you a call around 3 or 4 your time," Elizabeth told the Austin American-Statesman in a separate interview Thursday. But, that call never came through.
Loved ones believe the couple wouldn't just willingly walk away from the lives they were building. While Frank was finishing up school, Caroline was getting ready to launch a business.
"My brother has completed 12 years of effort into this degree; he wouldn't just leave it," said Elizabeth, according to the paper.
"They were just traveling, and they would have never disappeared out of nowhere," she added. "They had an end goal."