Michigan Woman Dropped Off at Wrong Location by Uber Driver Is Savagely Beat in Random Attack: 'I Thought I Was Going to Die'

Michigan Woman Dropped Off at Wrong Location by Uber Driver
Support Morgan's Recovery from Assault GoFundMe/ Morgan Catton

A Michigan woman who was dropped off at the wrong location by her Uber driver was assaulted moments after by a man on a bicycle.

On September 13, Morgan Catton, 27, was on her way to meet a friend when her Uber driver left her "a block or two" away from the correct location at around 10 p.m., according to a GoFundMe page she made.

Catton said she decided to walk the rest of the distance when she noticed a man on a bicycle approaching behind her.

"He gets off his bike, grabs me by my neck and throws me to the ground where he repeatedly punched me in the face," Catton wrote on her GoFundMe page. "Not a word was shared. When he got up and ran away I was able to find my phone and start running where an ambulance picked me up. I was hospitalized for the night where I received stitches in my left eye and inside of my mouth and lips."

Catton remembers the assault taking "maybe 20 seconds" and says that it has "completely altered and affected" her life.

Since the incident, Catton says she has missed work to make doctor's appointments and is paying for all her medical bills out of pocket. She set up the GoFundMe to help pay for her expenses and has exceeded her goal of $10,000.

When Catton was asked by WXYZ-TV Detroit what went through her head at the time, she responded with, "I thought I was going to die."

Catton walked away without any broken bones or fractures. The man has not yet been identified or found.

Originally published on The Latin Times.

Michigan, Uber, Assault
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