An Indiana man who was allegedly beaten and stabbed by a woman he was about to get in the shower with last month has died from his injuries.
Briley Shayne Turner, 25, was originally charged with attempted murder and aggravated battery in connection with the Aug. 18 incident at her Bloomington, Indiana, apartment, court records show.
Now that Michael Ray Hodge, 36, died Sept. 11 at an Indianapolis hospital from the injuries sustained during the alleged attack, charges against Turner will likely be upgraded.
According to court documents, Hodge told investigators he and Turner were about to get in the shower together when she struck him with a baseball bat, WXIN-TV reported. She then allegedly used a kitchen knife and a "tire plug tool with a metal spike on it" to stab him several times, documents stated.
A neighbor called police when they heard screaming coming from the apartment.
Officers arrived and purportedly encountered Turner on a couch in bloody clothing and Hodge bleeding on the bathroom floor with a knife blade lodged inside of him, The Herald-Times reported, citing the affidavit.
Turner alleged she was motivated to attack Hodge because he "tried to put stuff down my throat" and she had to defend herself.