Biden Proposes to Ban Medical Debt in Consumer Credit Scores, Loan Decisions—Millions Could Benefit


Transformative Change Ahead for Americans

The Biden administration is about to introduce a significant reform that will redefine financial health for millions. Set to be announced this Tuesday, a new rule aims to exclude medical debt from credit reports. This move is signaled to significantly improve Americans' chances of owning homes or buying cars.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra are leading this initiative. It's part of President Joe Biden's broader effort to address voters' cost concerns. The rule, which has been developing since September, could be effective as early as next year.

Biden Proposes to Ban Medical Debt in Consumer Credit Scores, Loan Decisions—Millions Could Benefit

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Medical Debt's Impact on Credit Scores

The inclusion of medical debt in credit reports has long hampered many Americans' financial futures. CFPB Director Rohit Chopra emphasized that medical bills on credit reports do not predict loan repayment behaviors. This practice has led to unduly low credit scores for many. The new rule would allow an additional 22,000 people per year to secure safe mortgages. It could be a win-win, with lenders able to approve more loans.

Currently, leading credit reporting companies like Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian have ceased using medical debt to determine creditworthiness. FICO and VantageScore have also reduced the weight of medical debt in their scoring models. Despite these changes, around 15 million Americans still struggle with $49 billion of medical debt, affecting their credit scores.

The Vast Reach of Medical Debt

Two out of every five Americans grapple with medical debt. For most, these sums are not minor, significantly affecting credit scores. This leads to difficulties in securing loans or facing high interest rates. Medical debt incurred at a young age has had long-lasting financial implications for individuals like Lexi Coburn.

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Addressing Billing Disputes

The CFPB rule also aims to combat complex and sometimes incorrect medical billing. Disputes over these bills can drag on, eventually impacting credit reports. The proposed change seeks to shield consumers from the financial fallout of billing disagreements.

Potential Economic Effects

Experts have mixed reactions to the policy's potential impact. It won't significantly alter payment behaviors for medical debt. Others, like health economist Matt Notowidigdo, suggest enhancing healthcare coverage upfront. This could reduce the prevalence of unpaid medical bills resulting from inadequate insurance.

Challenges and Concerns

However, concerns exist regarding the rule's long-term effects. Hospitals and healthcare systems might feel the financial strain, which could lead to stricter payment demands on patients. Industry groups, like the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, have voiced concerns about the impact on healthcare providers' cash flow.

Despite these apprehensions, Director Chopra remains optimistic. He believes the rule will not increase defaults on healthcare debts but will remove the unfair penalization of consumers in credit reporting.

This policy marks a significant step toward decoupling medical debt from financial opportunity. It ensures that unexpected health issues do not derail individuals' financial stability. The administration is working to rectify a persistent issue affecting millions nationwide through these measures.

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Biden, Proposes to Ban Medical Debt, Credit Scores, Loan Decision, Millions Could Benefit
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