Germany To Approve Use of Medical Marijuana For Treating Ailing Patients


Hermann Gröhe, the German Health Minister has announced on Tuesday legalizing the use of medical marijuana by 2017. The planned law will make cannabis available in drug stores as prescription products for seriously ill German patients. The use of marijuana as a drug is also being considered to get coverage under medical insurance.

This change will make medical marijuana more affordable to the patients in need, argue supporters of the proposed law. The government intends to import medical cannabis till developing approved growing sites, reports Green Rush Daily quoting the health minister.

However, the minister hasn't explained the source of the medical marijuana to be imported. Even the legal implications of to be imported cannabis haven't been narrated.

The proposed law aims to alleviate the suffering of seriously ill patients not eligible to obtain the drug under present circumstances. Draft of the law is expected to get approval from the German cabinet by Wednesday. It will then be forwarded to the German parliament to transform it into a law through debate, reports RT.

A German court has ruled in favor of doctor supervised use of marijuana in 2005. Initially, seven German patients have been allowed procuring dronabinol, a cannabis derivative from drug stores following alteration in German Narcotics Law.

Existing German Narcotics Law is deliberately vague and its enforcement varies from different jurisdictions. The law allows authorities not to prosecute holders in possession of minor amounts of cannabis. However, the exclusion is not applicable for cases that pose risks for public safety.

Intriguingly, the words 'minor amount' have been defined differently in different German states. The words represent up to 15 grams of cannabis in Berlin where as interpreted 2-3 grams in Bavaria.

424 licenses have been issued so far of whom 42 license holders have died. At present, 382 German patients are allowed to procure limited forms of cannabis, according to a report published in Leafly.

The licensees are specially permitted to smoke cannabis as a painkiller. Besides, 5,000 more patients have been permitted to take medical cannabis in the form of drops or sprays. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices appear as the authority to issue such licenses.

A German court has allowed use of medical marijuana under doctor supervision in 2005. Since then, politicians have been demanding for legalization of the use of cannabis derivatives for treatment. On Tuesday, German health minister has announced on Tuesday taking steps for legalizing the prescription based use of medical cannabis by 2017.

Medical marijuana

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