Nasty Political Tweets: White House Official Jofi Joseph Fired For Insulting Twitter Comments Under Fake Name (Video)


40-year-old Jofi Joseph, a senior White House official who had been part of the National Security Council nuclear non-proliferation team, was fired last week after it was revealed he was the man who posted derogatory comments on a Twitter account under a fake name for more than two years, The Daily Beast reported.

Joseph was tweeting under the username @natsecwork, a Twitter feed famous inside Washington policy circles created in February 2011. Joseph, who "also worked at the State Department and on Capitol Hill for Senators Bob Casey and Joe Biden. Until recently, he was part of the administration's team working on negotiations with Iran," The Daily Beast also reported.

Joseph openly criticized the policies of his bosses at the White House, all the while insulting their intellect and looks. He criticized top White House and State Department officials, and politicians across the spectrum.

""I'm a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me," he once tweeted, as reported by The Daily Beast.

"Almost as bad a pairing as Samantha Power and Cass Sunstein," he added, referring the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and her husband, who is a former White House official.

Joseph made disparaging remarks toward both parties.

"So when will someone do us the favor of getting rid of Sarah Palin and the rest of her white trash family? What utter useless garbage .... ," he tweeted last October.

"It has been a privilege to serve in this administration and I deeply regret violating the trust and confidence placed in me," Joseph said in an apology e-mail to Politico.

"What started out as an intended parody account of DC culture developed over time into a series of inappropriate and mean-spirited comments. I bear complete responsibility for this affair and I sincerely apologize to everyone I insulted."

Reactions to the revelation that Joseph had been the tweeter were met with shock, as Carolyn Leddy, Joseph's wife, is a respected professional staffer part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, news reports said.

Joseph's tweets had been "obsessively and angrily followed" by Washington officials, Politico reported

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