Samuel Little Arrested: Alleged Serial Killer Awaits Trial in Los Angeles For Brutal Crimes Throughout the U.S. (Video)


Samuel Little is the 72-year-old former boxer, transient and alleged serial killer who awaits trial in Los Angeles for strangulation-murder charges of two women. There are nationwide jurisdictions of cold murder cases with possible ties to him, the Associated Press reported. His charges are for alleged involvement in at least three cold murder cases dating back to 1989.

But Little has accumulated more than a 100-page rap sheet details over 56 years involving crimes in 24 states. Thus far, for his crimes, he has only served less than 10 years in prison.

Los Angeles detectives alleged he is also a serial killer of prostitutes and drug addicts.

"We see a pattern, and the pattern match whet away with in the past," LAPD Detective Mitzi Roberts said. He has pleaded not guilty in three L.A. killings.

"It's the craziest rap sheet I've ever seen," added LA. Deputy Distict Attorney Beth Silverman. "The fact he hasn't spent a more significant period of his life (in custody) is a shocking. He's gotten break after break after break."

Little often went by the name Samuel McDowell, and his criminal record has show that his first arrest was for burglary charges at 16. In the ensuing years, his crimes only increased, leading to arrests in eight states for crimes, including armed robbery, rape, theft, solicitation of a prostitute, shoplifting, DUI, aggravated assault on a police officer and fraud, according to the AP.

In one such case, involving Little, he strangled victim Pamela Kay Smith, in which he choked the woman from behind with an electrical car by forcing her into his car, and beat her unconscious, before raping her, the court papers said.

Leading to this arrest, in which he was linked to numerous serial killings in the ensuing years, Los Angeles investigators tracked down Little in a shelter in Kentucky after DNA evidence at old crime scenes matched samples of his stored in a criminal database.

Authorities found jurisdictions in California, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Mississippi and Ohio.

U.S. Crime, Law Enforcement

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