Nuns Lose in Lawsuit Attempting for Strip Club Closure


A legal battle involving a strip club and a nun convent in suburban Chicago is currently being sorted out by lawyers. The main issue between the two is because a strip club has put up its establishment right next to the convent. With the vows that these nuns have taken, it is simply something they have to uphold.

The Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo are currently undergoing legal issues against Allure, a strip club situated in Stone Park. Since the strip club borders the property of the convent, the nuns have sought legal action to help them settle the issue and hopefully relieve the sanctity of the religious place.

Unfortunately, Cook County Circuit Judge Peter Flynn made a decision on Tuesday which turned out to be in favor of the club. The judge dismissed claims related to zoning laws that the club allegedly violated. He also asked the lawyers of the nuns to furnish him with detailed examples of lewd behavior and nuisance, as they had originally complained against the strip club. According to the judge, the sisters did not have enough evidence to support their claims against the club even with all the noise, late night fighting, condom packages, and litter that have resulted ever since the club became operational in the area. Attorney Scott Bergthold said that these things have affected the "use and enjoyment" that people in the community had over the last several years. The attorney for the strip club, Daniel Lynch, fights that Allure was established and operates legally.

While he may seem to be in favor of the strip club's business operations, the judge has recommended the Missionary Sisters needed to revamp their lawsuit against the strip club. Originally, the lawsuit details that the strip club violates prostitution regulations and has caused a nuisance to their convent.


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