Gas Shortage Continues in New York After Hurricane Sandy, Bloomberg says “Couple Weeks” More?


While many New Yorkers continue to struggle with power outages and gas shortages days after hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg says "It now appears there will be shortages for possibly another couple weeks...If you think about it, its not any great imposition once you get used to it," as reported by Reuters.

In the mean time, New York Governor at a news conference on Thursday criticized the city's power infrastructure, "The utility system we have was designed for a different time and for a different place...It is a 1950s system, they have failed the consumers...the management has failed the consumers," as reported by Reuters.

Lines at petrol pumps in the city, Queens and Long Island still seem to be excruciatingly long. New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg announced that "it may take a few more days before you see this additional supply (of fuel)," as reported by NBC News. The city's Governor Andrew Cuomo assured people that "fuel is on the way," according to the limit.

According to various reports, it might take up till Wednesday to restore fuel supply. Currently, there is a 10-gallon maximum fuel purchase and people waiting in lines for hours to get it.

If its any consolation to the millions of people struggling to get fuel, Governor Cuomo says, ""The good news is it's going to be free."

The problem is not the scarcities of gas per say, but the damage caused by the storm to the pipelines at various gas stations has resulted in the problem.

According to a report by the Associated Press, "millions of gallons of gasoline are sitting at the ready in storage tanks, pipelines and tankers that can't unload their cargoes."

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