Presidential Polls: Does President Barrack Obama Have a 91% Chance of Victory in 2012 Presidential Elections?


While most polls indicate that the race is too close to call, with President Obama having only a single point percent lead over Governor Romney, the HuffPollster says that Obama has a 91 percent chance of getting re-elected Tuesday.

The HuffPost Pollster tracking model... which combines all available national and statewide polling data, finds that if polls fall within the historical ranges of polling accuracy, Obama stands a 91 percent chance of victory...The remaining questions about the polling data are whether the final averages prove to be as collectively accurate as in past elections or whether some systematic error in the swing state surveys is concealing a hidden Romney advantage that will reveal itself when the votes are counted," as reported in the Huffington Post.

But other reports suggest that this is the closes presidential race in 76 years. Presidential polls released Monday; show that Americans are torn between the two choices.

According to the Huffington Post, Obama is currently at 47.9 percent, while Romney is at 46.8 percent.

Other major polls such as PPP, Ipsos/Reuters, CNN, Pew, and NBC/Wall Street Journal also reveal that Obama has a slight lead over his opponent. Polls such as Rasmussen and Zogby/ Newsmax show that both the candidates are tied at 49 and 47 percent respectively.

When it comes to electoral votes Obama is currently at 237 electoral votes, while Romney has 191. In order to win the election, a candidate must procure 270 electoral votes.

According to National Journal correspondent Major Garrett told CBS News, ""We don't know the size of the political universe. It's not going to be 2008. It's not going to be that robust for President Obama it's not going to be that slack for Mitt Romney. It may be like 2004, which could mean for Mitt Romney it's really, really close."

After weeks of lagging slightly behind former Governor Romney, President Obama finally took a one point percent lead last week. According to the Reuters/Ipsos Obama is 47 percent among likely voters while the former Massachusetts governor is at 46 percent in the poll released Tuesday.

The same poll reveals that 53 percent of registered voters think Obama will be elected for his second term as president in the upcoming elections, while only 29 percent seem to think Romney will win.

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