Presidential Polls: President Obama and Governor Romney Remain in Deadlock Before Presidential Elections 2012


With less than five days to the 2012 Presidential Elections, the two candidates remain in tie at the polls. According to the HuffPost Tracker, both candidates are currently at 47 percent, with Romney leading by point one percent.

Despite receiving positive reviews for his handling of hurricane Sandy, Obama has not gained the desired affect on his numbers in the polls, although he still has a slight lead in electoral votes, "just enough of an edge in states whose electoral votes would add up to more than the 270 needed to win," as reported by the Huffington Post.

After weeks of lagging slightly behind former Governor Mitt Romney, President Obama finally took a one point percent lead last week. According to the Reuters/Ipsos Obama is 47 percent among likely voters while the former Massachusetts governor is at 46 percent in the poll released Tuesday.

The same poll reveals that 53 percent of registered voters think Obama will be elected for his second term as president in the upcoming elections, while only 29 percent seem to think Romney will win.

Another poll conducted by the Pew Research Center on Tuesday showed that the two candidates tied at 47 percent. The entire poll can be seen here.

With just six days to the election, the race seems to be getting tighter and tighter, leaving analysts and the public alike anxious.

Some other polls such as ABC/Washington Post show that Romney still has a lead over Obama. As for Gallup, hurricane Sandy seemed to hit hard on the institution's tracking system, which has suspending its polling for the second day in a row.

Last week, nation wide polls continue to show former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney with a slight lead over President Barrack Obama.

However, the same sources show that Obama is leading in key swing states, such as Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado and Virginia. Romney is leading in the key states of Florida and North Carolina.

Ramussen Report, Inverstor's Business Daily/TIPP Poll both show that Romney has a three point lead over his democratic counter part. The Associated Press/ GfK poll show that Romney has two point advantage, while the Huffington Pollster shows Romney less than a point ahead of Obama.

As to the swing states: Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa and Wisconsin. According to the Real Clear Politics, Obama currently leads Virginia, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Polls showed that Obama is leading by a few points in eight of the swing states, Romney leads in Florida and North Carolina.

The Gallup Poll as of last week showed that Romney at 51 percent, while Obama is at 46 percent.

The Rasmussen Reports also show Romney with a lead over Obama at 50 percent to 46 percent. The poll also reveals that two percent of registered voters prefer neither candidate, while the remaining two percent are yet undecided.

Other polls show that the two candidates have tied. Polls such as Washington Post/ABC Tracking show both Romney and Obama at 48, The American United for Change in Florida show the two candidates at 47 percent.

According to the Rasmussen electoral score board, which can be found here, Obama has a slight lead over Romney in terms of electoral vote, never the less the lead is minor.

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