President Obama Changes Campaign Slogan, Sparks Communist Controversy from Right Wing


With just a couple weeks for the Presidential Elections and an increasingly tighter race with Republican candidate Mitt Romney, the Obama campaign decided to spunk up their slogan by making a minor change, but sparking a sizable controversy.

The slogan of the president's campaign is a succinct "Forward." The campaign strategists have replaced that period at the end of the word with an exclamation mark, so now it reads "Forward!" but now a growing number of right wing conservatives are comparing the phrase's ties to Marxism and socialism.

According to the Washington Times, "The slogan "Forward! reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism."

But Jennifer Psaki, the Obama campaign spokesperson told the Associated Press, "the exclamation point was added to 'Forward' to symbolize the stakes in this election and energy at our events."

The move comes just in time for Obama 40-hour marathon in key battleground states.

Polls currently show that the president does have a slight lead in these states.

the swing states: Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa and Wisconsin. According to the Real Clear Politics, Obama currently leads Virginia, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

The following poll shows here, shows that Obama is leading by a few points in eight of the swing states, Romney leads in Florida and North Carolina.

The poll can be found here.

Never the less the former Massachusetts governor continues to have a slight lead over the president in major polls.

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